Wy'east Trailfest 50K

July 20, 2024

50K to the rooftop of Oregon

31.0 miles / 8,100’ of gain / 95% singletrack

The 50K course offers an absolutely stunning loop-style mountain race route, run twice, featuring volcanic alpine ridgelines up high and deep forests, wildflower meadows and waterfalls down low. This very challenging mountain trail race starts and finishes at Mt. Hood Meadows and is almost entirely on singletrack trails! Runners encounter a broad range of PNW trail terrain, from smooth dirt single track to steep, technical, exposed and sometimes scrambly rocky trails. Spectacular views abound from start to finish!

Race Day Schedule

  • SATURDAY, JULY 20, 2024

  • Bib Pickup:

    • Friday: 4:30PM-6:30PM OR

    • Race morning: 5:30AM-6:50AM

    • Race Start: 7:00AM

  • Awards Ceremony: 2PM

  • Cut-Off: 12 hours (7:00PM, 2.65 mph overall)

Course Map

  • MAP: Click on our custom course map image to open and save a high resolution copy.

  • INTERACTIVE MAP: Click HERE for an interactive course map in Caltopo.

  • GPX DATA: Click HERE for a .gpx data file of the course with elevation data included.

Elevation Change

Approximately 8,100' of ascent and 8,100' of descent.

Aid Stations

There are 6 aid stations on the course, all staffed with experienced, enthusiastic volunteers plus professional medical personnel. Hydration and fuel options included: Gnarly Nutrition Fuel2O energy drink, water, soda, Spring Energy gels, bananas, oranges, chips, PB&J sandwiches, and more. All Daybreak races are cupless, so be sure to bring your own cup for liquid at aid stations. 

Aid Station Total Distance (mi) To Next Aid (mi) Toilet Drop Bag Cutoff
Start - Mt. Hood Meadows 0 7.2 Yes -- --
#1 - Umbrella 7.2 3.2 Yes -- --
#2 - Ski Patrol 10.0 2.8 -- Yes --
#3 - Ski Patrol 13.2 7.7 -- Yes 12:00PM
#4 - Umbrella 20.9 2.8 Yes -- 3:00PM
#5 - Ski Patrol 23.7 3.2 -- Yes 4:15PM
#6 - Ski Patrol 26.9 4.1 -- Yes 5:30PM
Finish - Mt. Hood Meadows 31.0 -- Yes -- 7:00PM

Crew & Spectators!

Crew are welcome at all aid stations and the Start/Finish area for runner support. Crew and spectators must follow race rules and directions given by an event official, medical personnel or aid station captain.

Spectators ARE ALLOWED AND ENCOURAGED TO CHEER FROM ANYWHERE ON THE COURSE, however no aid or support may be provided outside an aid station and start/finish area.

  • Umbrella Aid Station is accessible ¼ mile down the main entrance road from the Mt. Hood Meadows parking area. Please walk along the road down to the aid station, as we do not want to clog the road crossing with vehicles.

  • Ski Patrol Aid Station is a stout but stunning 2 mile hike up the “South” service road (accessed from the WEST side of the main Mt. Hood Meadows parking lot) up to Meadows’ Ski Patrol cabin, near the top of the “Blue” and “Mt. Hood Express” ski lifts. Bring your own hydration and nutrition for yourselves :) Allow 30-45 for the hike up to the aid station.

Drop Bags

Drop bags will be available at Ski Patrol Aid Station. Crew can also supply you with your own gear and nutrition at Umbrella Aid Station if desired/available.

RETURN: Please consider that drop bags will not be returned back to your race staging area until the aid station shuts down after race sweepers arrive. Have your crew grab your drop bags from the aid station if possible.

CONTENTS: Do not store valuables in drop bags! The race is not responsible for missing, damaged, lost or stolen drop bags or contents.

FORGOTTEN BAGS: Please note we do not ship or deliver forgotten drop bags. You can arrange to pick up forgotten drop bags from us if we have them.

Poles & Gaiters

Trekking poles are allowed and shoe gaiters are generally encouraged, particularly on the upper half of the course where it is more technical, steep and rocky, with intermittent loose volcanic scree encountered.


No pacers allowed.

Course Detail By Section:

Start to Aid Station 1 (Umbrella): 7.2 miles, all through a mix of lush wildflower meadows and old mountain fir forests. Runners start at the Mt. Hood Meadows main lodge and depart on a gravel service road for a couple hundred yards, then turn RIGHT onto singletrack trail and begin a gentle rolling climb for a mile, then a rolling descent before turning RIGHT to begin the big loop portion of the course. After this junction, the course makes a ripping 3 mile rolling descent with sweeping views across open meadows down to the popular Elk Meadows Trailhead and a paved road crossing (there’s a vault toilet here!). The Elk Meadows area has been a traditional wild huckleberry harvesting site for native peoples for millennia, and who still have primary harvesting rights to the area to this day. Departing Elk Meadows, the trail crosses a paved roadway, then a slow moving creek, then another paved roadway. Now on Sahale Falls Trail, the trail steadily ascends along the rim of the raging Hood River for a couple miles, then turns LEFT onto Umbrella Falls Trail, passing its namesake veil of the Umbrella Falls waterfall itself, one of the most beautiful on all of Mt. Hood! Runners veer LEFT after crossing the log footbridge next to Umbrella Falls, continuing along Umbrella Falls Trail for 1/4 mile, then cross the paved Mt. Hood Meadows entrance road to reach Umbrella Aid Station. Use caution and look both ways before crossing the road.

Aid Station 1 (Umbrella) to Aid Station 2 (Ski Patrol 1): 2.8 miles. Runners depart Umbrella Aid Station heading uphill on Umbrella Falls Trail, then veer RIGHT very briefly onto the Timberline Trail, then immediately turn LEFT to resume climbing up the mountain on a primitive, rocky, steep service road through wildflower meadows and tree islands with spectacular southern views down the Pacific Crest to Mt. Jefferson, Three Sisters and Broken Top volcanoes. The service road passes near Mazot (a popular fixture offering refreshments to skiers during winter season), then climbs a final curve before reaching Ski Patrol Aid Station.

Aid Station 2 (Ski Patrol 1) to Aid Station 3 (Ski Patrol 2): 3.2 miles. This segment is the crux of the course and BY FAR the most exposed, steep and technical zone, but also offers unmatched panoramic views for hundreds of miles, as well as adjacent glaciers and deep canyons high on the mountain. Leaving Ski Patrol Aid Station, runners head up the Wizard Trail, climbing 1500’ in 1.6 miles, immediately surrounded by volcanic alpine, where the trails are much rockier and less developed— pay attention to the course flagging, as the trail can appear faint and sometimes turn abruptly after a sharp or steep turn. The final section to climb is a scree field with numerous short switchbacks up to the spine of the moraine which flattens out. This is the 8000’ level and the turnaround point on the course, where the peak of Mt. Hood surprisingly doesn’t seem quite so high since it’s barely more than 3000’ to the summit!! Make sure to verify you’ve reached the turnaround using the hole punch on your bib! From the turnaround checkpoint, begin the epic descent back down to Ski Patrol Aid Station. Keep your descent under control, as to keep your feet beneath you and your front teeth, knees, elbows and skin in general intact :)

Aid Station 3 (Ski Patrol 2) to Aid Station 4 (Umbrella 2): 7.7 miles. Runners depart Ski Patrol for the second time, this time cresting up a brief gravel service road to Lower Wizard Trail and begin another somewhat steep descent back into subalpine meadows and forest for about a mile, then turn LEFT onto the Timberline Trail. Enjoy a flowing, glorious half mile on the Timberline Trail through intermittent forest and wildflower meadows, some beautiful babbling stream crossings (say one-hoppers) before turning RIGHT onto Jack’s Woods Trail, descending along the mostly forested rim of Clark Canyon and Heather Canyon before crossing the ravine of a small stream and emerging at the lower Shooting Star ski lift. Skirt the gravel ski lift landing then turn LEFT back onto forested single track for a quarter mile to meet the trail junction to complete the first loop of the course. Veer LEFT at this junction to begin loop two. Runners will remember the rest of this big descent down to Elk Meadows (bathroom here!), and the gradual climb to Umbrella Aid Station.

Aid Station 4 (Umbrella 2) to Aid Station 5 (Ski Patrol 3): 3.2 miles. This section is the same as loop one from Aid Station 1 to Aid Station 2. Be sure to keep hydrating and fueling, as you will need it as the miles, exposure and elevation gain take their toll.

Aid Station 5 (Ski Patrol 3) to Aid Station 6 (Ski Patrol 4): 3.2 miles. This section is the same as loop one from Aid Station 2 to Aid Station 3. Be sure to keep hydrating and fueling, as you will need it as the miles and elevation gain take their toll. Don’t forget to collect your second turnaround checkpoint hole punch at the top!

Aid Station 6 (Ski Patrol 4) to Finish (Mt. Hood Meadows): 4.1 miles. Departing Ski Patrol for the final time, runners descend Lower Wizard Trail, Timberline Trail and Jack’s Woods Trail the second time. After passing the ski lift at Heather Canyon and turning left to get back on the trail, runners turn RIGHT at the junction this time toward the finish. The remaining 1.5 miles of the course is rolling, mostly downhill through a mix of meadows and forest, before the final descent down to Mt. Hood Meadows (yes, you will hear and see us cheering for you!), where runners finish at the lodge Sun Deck under the summit of the mountain with friends and family!


See the Daybreak Racing Cancellation Policy.

This event is located on the Mt. Hood National Forest. In accordance with Federal law and U.S. Department of Agriculture policy, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age or disability.  USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.